Sunday, October 1, 2017

Raspberry Pi Picture Frame Post 16 update 10/1/17

Building another picture frame so I am going to attempt to condense everything to one page

Google drive sync - 

#download the correct file with wget
mv "downloaded file" /usr/local/bin/gdrive ~ moves downlaoded file to proper location
gdrive about ~ google authentication, go to website and give access to your drive

Windows file sharing - Samba

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y samba #install samba
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf #config file for samba
workgroup = WORKGROUP #Make sure it is set to workgroup
wins support = yes #Make sure windows support is enable
# add the following to bottom of file
 only guest=no
 create mask=0777
 directory mask=0777
sudo smbpasswd -a pi # adds user pi to network

Frame Buffer Image

sudo apt-get -y install fbi 

Image Resizing

sudo apt-get install imagemagick #install image magick


sudo wpa_passphrase SSID>> /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf #Replace SSID with your SSID
passwd #type your password
sudo wpa_supplicant -B -D wext -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf


crontab -e #built in scheduling program
#add the following to crontab -e
@reboot sudo sh /home/pi/sync/scripts/ # sets the gpio up
@reboot  bash /home/pi/sync/scripts/ # checks the IO
0 7 * * * sh/home/pi/sync/scripts/ # starts the slideshow
0 3 * * * sh /home/pi/sync/scripts/ #syncs the pictures at 3 am
45 8 * * 1-5 sh /home/pi/sync/scripts/ #turns screen on at 8:45 m-f
45 15 * * * sh /home/pi/sync/scripts/ #turns screen of at 3:45


for some odd reason my slideshow would not start with cron so I moved it to .bashrc add as last line

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