Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Home Automation Post 2 openhab and mosquitto install

I have been messing around with openhab for a little bit now and I could not get mqtt to work for the life of me. So what do you do, start back at the beginning. Since this is the beginning of the project the only thing I lost was the rasbian image (which is just a few clicks and some time away from being installed) mosquitto install, and openhab install. This time I followed different installers for openhab and mosquitto and would you know. Now mqtt works without an issue.

To install openhab I followed the directions on https://github.com/openhab/openhab/wiki/Linux---OS-X. Make sure that if you want to use mqtt you install that addon using _________

echo "deb http://dl.bintray.com/openhab/apt-repo stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openhab.list #part of previous line
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openhab-runtime
#will have to type a small y in to install packages
sudo apt-get install openhab-addon-binding-mqtt
#will have to type a small y in to install package
sudo update-rc.d openhab defaults # makes openhab run at boot

mosquitto was a bit easier to install

sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients python-mosquitto


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